Every morning at 05.30 am, 07.30 am, 10.30 am there is time for Abhishek Puja for devotees and seats are available.
Only male persons will do Abhishek - Pooja rituals wearing Dhoti. No Abhishek Pooja done sitting in couple.
If female devotee wish to perform Abhishek Puja, Guruji will take Sankalp from them and perform the rest of the Puja on their behalf.
No Abhishek Pooja is performed by devotee on the main idol or in sanctum sanctuary or Darshan is not allowed at this place.
All the Abhishek-Pooja rituals of the devotees are perform in the Abhishek-Pooja Mandap in front of the Goddess on the Goddess Utsav Murti and Silver Paduka.
The Abhishek-Pooja ritual will last for at least one hour from the start.
Devotees must be present at the puja mandap at least 20 minutes before the scheduled time, on the fixed date.
The members of the family should sit back in the puja mandap and watch the rituals.
There is no facility or permission to watch live telecast of Abhishek Pooja ritual. In addition, taking pictures or broadcasting from the place of worship not allowed.
If you are going to attend the Pooja yourself, please mention it clearly in the message.
If you are not present for Abhishek - puja in person, Abhishek – puja will conducted on your name and the Prasad of same will sent on your given address.
If all family members are willing to do immediate Darshan together then book Pooja accordingly, otherwise additional family members are to take Darshan from Gabhara Darshan Queue - East Gate or Mukha-darshan Queue as per the decided puja booking type.
Devotees with Pooja bookings only and depending on the type will released for immediate Darshan before or after Pooja, as decided by Guruji, at this time women have to offer the desired offering items such as grain, jewelry, Dakshina, Saree - Otee, some special items with their own hands in front of the goddess. Inform about these oblations first to the Gurujee who is doing the Pooja, he will guide and complete them.
No special Darshan arrangements included as Abhishek Pooja was performed.
Immediate Goddess Darshan with Abhishek Pooja will be only from a certain distance, there will be no special Darshan facility for this. This is only a service so that the devotees performing the Abhishek Pooja do not have to wait in the general queue for a long time.
For an Abhishek Pooja, one male person seated in dhoti dress code. If more person from family wants perform Abhishek, puja it should be booked accordingly.
Bring your own dhoti for Pooja if you have it, otherwise dhoti will arranged in advance by charging ₹100/- only for Pooja. After Abhishek and Pooja, the dhoti is to returned.
In order to preserve the idol, only the best quality and light in weight sarees will be worn between 5 am - 12 pm, all other sarees are offered at the feet of the goddess and kept aside.
No heavy material allowed while entering the temple.
Purses, wallets, mobiles, material to offered to Devi etc. Allow.
Shoes removed outside the gate.
Photography, shooting prohibited inside the temple premises.